One interesting act of women had been having powers of carrying out emotions. Wearing emotions according to her role , specific to her femininity.
It is strange in Indian culture that women primarily depicted as Goddess in numerous forms. If we talk about nine incarnations of Devi that had been closely associated to one or the another relation of women to men. Women relation with women is often remained callous or undermined.
For men she might be sister , mother, wife, friend or foe. Whereas, all Indian Gods had different forms but not so intense as their counterpart Devis. Chiefly, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh had been performing manly tasks and faced them as other human. Although, women incarnations, of Sarasvati, Durga , Kaali and Sita , had been presented in extraordinary valor and divine courage.
The question is , what is that PHENOMENON ,that had made or can make people , specifically women here to wear those peculiar emotions in their role. Can emotions and mental states can be roped into other human likewise. If so , what other sciences have to say about this.
In psychology, there is a term called transference that says how someone feels can be changed by doing psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud in 1890 coined it while uncovering emotional subconscious trauma of his patients. In routine life we meet distinguished people and transfer our bad and good emotions on them. If am not loved than obviously I would have sympathy for people whom I found in same state. Here, we need to understand difference of projection and transference. Transference does not have degree of imposition on others. The subject is always free to reject it anytime if conscious enough. In most cases it goes unconscious for vulnerable people only in agitated state.
Projection is one sided try on others to believe , think what one himself feels. Transference can be positive and negative both. In education too we have motivation, and reinforcement techniques only to encourage positive behavior. In a similar manner women feel unknowing pressure to carry out load of other’s emotional transference via those loused lopsided mythological tales. Astonishingly, how one life can be repeated in other time zones ?
Why there is so much glorification of only positive accounts of emotions and people. Forthwith ,one human can be only positive to popular belief. All negative emotions and people had been condemned and called demons. Is it not unjust practice ? Underway of it ,evolution is ignorantly, declined.
Preset benchmarks present big question marks of struggling through role transfers and gaining own identity.
Whole life an Indian girl child wander for searching her soul , her own identity. Amid of this she wears mindsets, emotions and unconsciously live life of others. Education of life should be given, pride in being real , thinking freely should be learnt. The women have to stride long way to get ease of expression. Indeed they need transformation of unlearning and re learning above stereotypes severed in their platter.
Thereupon do not wear others emotions, reject all projections by all means.
Know tools those are guise to put shackle in your feet and lock on God given mind. Do not be a Devi but remain a human.